Notes for contributors


Papers may be submitted throughout the academic year. Papers for the current year should be submitted before the 28th of February.

Suggestions of thematic issues are welcome. They are analysed by the members of the editorial board, to whom the responsible for that particular issue should submit a three page presentation and abstracts of about half a page of the contributions to be published in that thematic issue.

Publication languages: French or English (and other Romance languages, as an exception, if the theme of the issue requires it)

No article submission & processing charges.

Length: up to 40,000-45,000 characters

Fonts: Times New Roman 12 (TNR)

Page format: 2.5 cm left, right, top, bottom

Line spacing: 1 (single)

Title: TNR 14 bold, centered, lower case

Name of the author(s): TNR 12, right justified

Affiliation and contact details: first footnote, after the name

Abstract: under the title of the article, TNR 11, 7-10 lines, languages: English, French, Romanian

Key words: 5-7, under the abstract, TNR 11, languages: English, French, Romanian

Chapter/sub-chapter titles: TNR 12 bold, numbering of chapters: 1, 2, etc; numbering of sub-chapters 1.1, 1.2, etc.

Examples: displayed (one line before and one line after), TNR 11, numbering required

Citations: citations of up to 3 lines should be integrated into the text, placed between quotation marks, those longer than 3 lines should be displayed (one line before and one line after), without quotation marks, TNR 11

Notes: footnotes

References cited in the text: integrated in the text according to the usual conventions; e.g. Kerbrat-Orecchioni 1997: page.

References: TNR 11, in alphabetical order, according to the following reference styles:

Kerbrat-Orecchioni, C. (1997), La connotation, Presses Universitaire de Lyon, Lyon.
Articles in journals:
Authier-Revuz, J. (1984), «Hétérogénéité(s) énonciative(s)», Langages, 73, p. 98-111.
Articles in collective volumes:
Amossy, R. (2005), «De l’apport d’une distinction: dialogisme vs. polyphonie dans l’analyse argumentative», in Bres, J. et al. (éds.), Dialogisme et polyphonie. Approches linguistiques, Editions Duculot, Bruxelles, p. 63-73.

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