12-2 | 2022


Experimental Methods in Language Exploration


Alina Tigău and Ioana Stoicescu

Introduction [pdf]

Adina Camelia Bleotu

Experimental insights into denominals and creativity in adult Romanian [abstract] [pdf]

Aleksandra Lappalainen and Fredrik Heinat

Quantifier focus in Serbian [abstract] [pdf]

Gabriela Bîlbîie

An experimental approach to case marking in Romanian elliptical comparatives[abstract] [pdf]

Alina Tigău

An experimental study on the discourse properties of Romanian direct objects[abstract] [pdf]

Irina Stoica

Factive islands revisited – experimental data on adjunct extraction [abstract] [pdf]

Mihaela Tănase-Dogaru

A corpus investigation of new -adă derivatives in contemporary Romanian [abstract] [pdf]

Shima Salameh Jiménez

Measuring the polyfunctionality of discourse markers experimentally: eye-tracking and visual attention as cognitive-processing indicators. Peninsular Spanish o sea [abstract] [pdf]

Isabelle Stabarin

Cerner les marqueurs de la spontanéité énonciative : choix méthodologiques et apport de données expérimentales [abstract] [pdf]

Identifying markers of enunciative spontaneity in spoken French: methodological orientations and experimental data

Ioana Stoicescu

Are activities always (im)perfective? Assessing the Morphology-Sensitive Model in child Romanian[abstract] [pdf]

Sébastien Lucas

Relations entre transferts interlinguistiques et conscience métasyntaxique chez des enfants bilingues : une approche expérimentale quantitative du jugement de grammaticalité [abstract] [pdf]

The relations between interlinguistic transfers and metasyntactic awareness in bilingual children: a quantitative experimental approach of grammaticality judgment

Chiara Meluzzi and Camilla Masullo

Using emojis to assess children’s linguistic stereotypes about Italian regional varieties [abstract] [pdf]

Fabienne Baider and Christiana Anaxagorou

Evaluating Hate speech: A sociolinguistic and bio signal experiment [abstract] [pdf]




Hadjira Medane

Pour une interprétation des silences dans le témoignage de souffrance. Une approche interactionnelle[abstract] [pdf]

For an interpretation of silences in the testimony of suffering. An interactional approach

Andreea Teletin et Iulia Nica

L’approche multimodale dans l’enseignement de l’expression de l’intensité en Roumain Langue Étrangère[abstract] [pdf]

The Multimodal Approach in Teaching Intensity in Romanian as a Foreign Language

Sophie Anquetil

La performativité de l’effacement énonciatif dans le discours d’expertise : le cas de la mission d’information sur l’Islam en France[abstract] [pdf]

The performativity of the enunciative erasure in the discourse of expertise: the case of the information mission on Islam in France

Comptes rendus
Book reviews


Maxime Warnier

Amir Biglari, Dominique Ducard (dirs), La sémantique au pluriel. Théories et méthodes, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, coll. « Rivages linguistiques », 2022, 474 p. [pdf]

Jan Goes

Jean Pruvost, Les dictionnaires français, outils d’une langue et d’une culture, Ophrys, Paris, coll. «L’essentiel français», 2022, 222 p. [pdf]

Chiara Preite

Simona Pollicino, Irene Zanot (a cura di), Parole che non c’erano. La lingua e le lingue nel contesto della pandemia, Roma TrE-Press, 2021, 236 p.[pdf]

Mihaela Munteanu Siserman

Armanda Stroia, Clișeul lingvistic în mass-media românească actuală, Editura Mega, Cluj-Napoca, 430 p.[pdf]